
Connecting consumers to products through streamlined e-commerce. Anytime, anywhere.

APIs and SDKs

Robust and easy-to-implement APIs & SDKs

One of the most critical factors in choosing a payments tool is how quickly and easily you can get up and running.


With the rise of APIs and SDKs, developers can now access pre-built code libraries that make integrating new technologies into their applications a breeze.


Our intuitive documentation and step-by-step instructions guide you through the setup process in just a few minutes. So if you’re looking for a quick and painless way to add new features to your app, check out our available APIs and SDKs.

Embedded payments & hosted payment pages

Use embedded payments and hosted payment pages to enhance your platform’s capabilities, improve customer experience, and increase revenue

Experience a streamlined customer checkout and increase merchant conversion rates with our Javascript integration.

Our solution also ensures secure and PCI-compliant payment processing.


Passage.JS is a JavaScript library for merchants to collect sensitive payment data from users and send it directly to Valor. Merchants can integrate the script and customize the checkout form per their requirements. The authentication is done by a client token generated by GetClientToken API.

Embedded Hosted Payment Banner
Best authentication

Best authentication available on the market.

simple secure

A simple, secure, and compliant way to collect sensitive cardholder data.


Compatible with any modern frontend framework.

Easy to Implement

Easy to implement & compatible with any browser.

Payment gateway

It’s essential for merchants conducting business online to connect to a robust and reliable payment gateway to ensure that customers can make payments securely.
A variety of ways to pay.
QR payment

QR codes

Invoice Recurring

Invoice & recurring billing

SMS Paylink

SMS & PayNow links (Quickbooks)


Level 2 & Level 3

Tour Online Portal

Tour our online portal

Our online portal is accessible 24×7 to help merchants easily access transaction data and customer information. This allows our merchants to stay up-to-date on their business and make informed decisions at all times.

Virtual terminal

An all-in-one virtual terminal, gateway, and mobile app

Virtual Terminal

Shopping cart integrations

Allow customers to add items from an online store to their cart and proceed through checkout safely and securely.

Valor QuickBooks

Valor and QuickBooks unite seamlessly, empowering your business with precision and efficiency – a winning equation for success.

QuickBooks banner image
Two way customer creation

Two-way customer creation

Two way inventory creation

Two-way inventory creation

One way e invoice creation

One-way e-invoice creation

One way payment update

One-way payment update


Seamless workflow integration

Seamless workflow integration

Valor and QuickBooks seamlessly integrate, ensuring a smooth workflow. This minimizes disruptions to your workflow and eliminates manual data entry, making your processes more efficient and error-free.

Quick and accurate financial management

Quick and accurate financial management

Integrating QuickBooks with Valor streamlines e-invoice management. Effortlessly generate e-invoices and promptly update payment transaction details for precise and current financial records.

Efficient customer inventory management

Efficient customer & inventory management

Valor and QuickBooks work seamlessly together, enabling smooth two-way updates of customer and inventory data. Automatic updates streamline customer relationships and inventory management, ensuring consistency.

Boost operational efficiency

Transaction automation

Transition effortlessly to total transaction automation with Valor & QuickBooks. Easily import and sync sales, recurring transactions, refunds, e-invoices, and PayNow links into QuickBooks.

ACH payment processing

Affordable method of accepting payments

ACH payment processing

Affordable method of accepting payments

ACH processing enables your business to send payments by initiating a debit or credit to a bank account, whether it be from a consumer or business. ACH is traditionally less expensive than credit cards and an excellent alternative payment acceptance method. With ACH acceptance, you can eliminate processing paper checks while expediting the time it takes to receive payment. Alternative solutions, such as ACH processing, are an excellent way to attract customers and increase sales.

ACH Payments from anywhere

ACH payments from anywhere

This is your all-in-one answer for online, MOTO, and mobile transactions- the only thing you need is an internet connection.

Lower Transaction costs

Lower transaction costs

By debiting your customer’s bank account directly, you can capture cost savings on transaction and dispute fees compared to cards.

Reduce fraud and stay compliant

Reduce fraud and stay compliant

ACH Direct Debit on Valor comes with bank account verification, making it easy to stay compliant with Nacha validation rules and reduce fraud.

Minimize payment friction and failure

Minimize payment friction and failure

Customers can enter their online banking credentials to instantly verify their bank account rather than manually entering routing and account information.

The Vault

The Vault will make transactions more accessible and secure for our merchants by providing a safe and compliant way to store and access their customers’ card information.

Exclusive Features of The Vault

Advanced Security

Advanced Security

Robust encryption and advanced security measures keep your payment data safe.

Multi Platform Compatibility

Multi-Platform Compatibility

Access your payment information securely from any device.

Convenient Payment Storage

Convenient Payment Storage

Easily store and access your card information for seamless transactions.

Streamlined Management

Streamlined Management

Effortlessly add, remove, and update payment methods within The Vault.

Valor Shield

Valor Shield

Valor Shield adds a level of transaction security, helping to prevent problematic transactions. 



International card transactions & card phishing.


Set Limits

Max transaction, daily transaction volume, monthly transaction volume, & max refund amount.

Power up your workflow

If your business is looking for the perfect payment solution to help increase sales, we can help you!